Counting the Months to Medicare OR Why I Miss Spiderman

This morning I was up at 4AM for a flight I take weekly from Boston to JFK in to meet with clients.  This project has been on-going for about 10 months….

For those of you who fly to Kennedy via American Airlines you know once you have landed your assaulted by advertisements for Broadway shows… of which is or was Spiderman!

This ad holds special significance for me as my youngest nephew, Pierro thinks he is Spiderman!  This perspective is reinforced constantly by his Peruvian and US family whom are shameless in buying every conceivable accessory to reinforce his image as the sticky savior of NYC.

This morning as I was readying myself to wish Pierro a Buenos Dias, I realized the sign was removed and replaced with a Mutual Fund ad with the caption “in 1960 your life expectancy was 67… it is 78”!

Being 64 and being facile in simple though not complex math, I thought “oh !@#* I only have 14 years!

Not the way to for an early morning and long day to kick off!

The rudeness of the reminder of my imminent demise did however prompt me to spend some time on-line at the Social Security web-site.

The good news is that according to the web site I “have” until 84 and a statistical shot at 92 if I put down the cheeseburger and pick up the salad fork…..I hope the Retirement Advisors are better at investing than demographics…..

In my perusal I did learn that I am categorically eligible for Medicare when I turn 65.

I don’t know how the rest of you feel, but 65 doesn’t feel that old to me.  I look at Paul McCartney, Elton John and the Stones and think maybe the fact that they don’t get Medicare is the reason they keep touring!

Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t reject the Senior discounts at movies nor when in Peru due to my age get to the front of lines (I guess in the States this would be the longest line!): but the aging process does require some adjustments in thinking.

We can’t reject aging and when you consider the alternative it is preferable.

We can however reject feeling old like a watch that is winding down slowly….

I have had the personal philosophy of looking forward not back with the assumption that whatever decisions I made then were considered….and I have already incorporated lessons learned into how I behave….

I would rather look forward to the minutes, days, and years ahead thinking positively and enjoying the ride!

However, I do miss Spiderman!!!!!

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